Strongest RED Characters in Dragon Ball Legends

Dragon Ball Legends are known to be strong in their own unique ways. The stats and skill set are both common determinants of how strong a unit can be. However, the assessment should not stop there as there are still other features that classify them from strong to not.
Each unit has a corresponding color attached to its name which is known as the character element which is distinguishable by their colors. The character elements directly affect the damage dealt to a unit. Basically, each element has another element that they are best put against. In this case, red is best faced against yellow units.
That being said, if you are up against a yellow unit, it is best to choose a unit with the red element tag. You can refer to this DBL tier list, but here are some of the strongest units under this category.
SP Android 17 & SP Android 18

The combination of Android 17 and Android 18 is as deadly as you may think. Not only because of their power combined as one but because of their skill set and their personal stats. Moreover, this unit, SP Android 17 & SP Android 18, has the tag of Powerful Opponent which can be easily proved by their damage outputs, especially units with tags Super Saiyan and Saiyan.
SP Android 17 & SP Android 18 can be obtained by pulling from The Lost Hope banner.
UL Omega Shenron

UL Omega Shenron is one of the strongest defense units under the red element as it has a minimum HP of 24,000. By simply looking at its base health, it would surely need a strong attack unit to take it down. Not only that but it also provides a good buff to all allies with its main ability which can boost ally damage by 20%. However, this unit is an Event Exclusive which is why obtaining it is a lot more difficult than the others.
SP Boujack

Tankers are as important as attackers in a lineup. In that sense, SP Boujack might be one of the options you would want to consider. His base health of 25,250 can single-handedly receive all incoming damages for the whole team while also doing a good job in sabotaging all the Special Arts Cards of the enemies using the main ability.
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SP Half Corrupted Fusion Zamasu

Having an attack-core lineup means that you have to collect all the strongest melee fighters that you can have. In this case, SP Half Corrupted Fusion Zamasu is rather a great choice. Aside from its high damage output, its main ability also allows the regeneration which makes it a tough unit while still being an efficient attacker.
UL Super Saiyan Goku

The protagonist wouldn’t be a protagonist if he is not strong enough to go against strong opponents. UL Super Saiyan Goku has a fairly high base health but is an effective melee attacker. The main ability is also perfect for a combo attack as it deals 20% more damage for 15 seconds while also replenishing health and Ki at the same time.
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